Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Introducing Numbers - fun way

One day, we just came across the number train rhymes in youtube website and it became Barathraam's one of the favorite videos. He could count from 1-10 in Tamil & English now.. So I just thought of making a number train at home using color charts, that way he could associate the numbers he tell with the way it is written.
And, it turned out to be good that he could now point to the correct number as he tells it [ah, yes provided he is in a good mood :-)]

I read in "Baby Minds" by Linda Acredolo et al, that kids find it interesting to see patterns in what they see.. To aid this skill, they suggested drawing some simple figures from numbers and alphabets. I could come up with my limited creativity the below figures associating it to numbers.. Barathraam does enjoy it and hope he could come up with better ones as he grow.

-- Sheer joy of sharing

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