Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Standup Arjuna!

"Standup Arjuna! for you are a king and you have some responsibilities that you ought to do. Normal people look up to their kings and respectable people, and inherit values from them. So it is very important for a king to uphold good values not only for his goodness, but also for the goodness of his people. If you stumble, then it would shudder the moral strength of your citizens also."

Krishna thus says to Arjuna, how important and significant it is for a Leader to adher to values and dharma. These days, I am reiterating myself with these words and draw inspiration. I have not become a leader now, but I am now a mother. Mother of a baby who turns to me for everything he does and need. He watches me closely and looks up to me. Indeed I might think that he does not understand my emotions and actions. If I would have thought it that way, I am totally wrong.
He does understand my smile, anger, and even my intonations. I am sure he would learn a lot from me and hence I am a Leader to him :)

I have taken myself a woe, that I have to be strong physically and emotionally even during these tough times and make him understand that "Whatever happens is a passing cloud. With a right attitude and faith in God we can remain as a sky undeterred by those passing clouds". Once in a while I do fell back, but I remind myself that being a mother I should not submit, but stand up!

I pass on this message to you, who is a leader for someone known or unknown, and going through testing times - "Stand up, be strong and do your best, for it's only that you can do and rest is God's will"


  1. I remember reading the Bhagavad Gita verse which elucidates this thought, but could not locate it now.
    I am searching it and will quote here once I could find it. If you know the verse which explains this thought, please do share.

  2. Its the same thing I was thinking today..when I was picking Barathraam from daycare... We should set as an example to him..Hope we try to make it..
