As you grow so is your responsibilities..
At some point of time we could suddenly recognize that all our time is completely occupied. This point of realization can happen out of our frustration or lacking time for hobbies(includes sleep!), perhaps on our introspection when we did something ugly in our activities etc.
But, in the first point its good to recognize that we are completely occupied, may be entangled in our activities! Only then, we can understand the importance of planning.
I still cherish the childhood days spent roaming around claiming it as studying, playing and fighting with brother.. but then I cannot afford it now.
I have to say it was quite difficult to me when I started studying at Tampere University though it is flexible.. may be because of the heaps of assignments..
and have to manage cooking and stuff.
Then when I started working at Nokia, I know its going to be a nightmare to manage all: work, study, home..
During initial weeks of my joining I had many meetings.. not only at office, but in college.. As most of our assignments are group assignments, groupmates have to meet and discuss about it. Oh!
But now when I looked back on how I handled them, I am satisfied though there are some scope for improvements. I havenot missed any meetings, been prepared with my assignments and discussions and also attended the induction meetings. Though it wasnt so many meetings, it really demanded planning and preparation. One important aspect to ponder is the quality of activities I pursued. I would say neither it was best nor it was worst.
I am happy it dint turn worst and I know it wont be best. But the reason I am feeling satisfied is the courage I mustered to not abandon my activities and shrug off my responsibilities. Juggling can be easy by tapping the tactics but juggling with responsibility & commitment comes from proper planning and preparation.
This experience and satisfaction has brought in me being committed to all our activities, for we dont know which one brings us favour.
Needless to say, I am motivated, for I dint do those activities for recognition, reputation nor remuneration but for my satisfaction.
Another view that struck me is, do we need to have a limit on our activities??! Ofcourse yes, will pour in my view in a separate post.