Last two weeks we heard story on how important is practicing and internalizing.
This week we can listen to a story on how to practice and pursue our efforts.
Our scriptures has outlined it simply as "Shreddha" in Sanskrit, which means being confident and steadfast with complete faith on God. This story is about a small boy who remained a Pole star as a result of his efforts with Shreddha.
Most of us are aware of Pole star, which is a bright start above North Pole and also remains in the same position when viewed from different parts of earth. In Indian legend, this star is called as "Dhruva Nakshatra" named after the small boy Dhruva. So, here goes the story on how the small boy turned into a bright Star!
There was a King by name Uttanapada and he had a wife Suniti. As they did not have any offspring, the King married Surichi, who gave birth to Uttama. Soon after Suniti also got conceived. Surichi got afraid that her son might not get into the throne, made some plot and moved Suniti away from the Royal Court. Suniti lived away from the Royal Court and gave birth to Dhruva.
Dhruva as he grow, learnt many good qualities from her mother and other noble people visiting their house. When he was around five years old, he constantly nagged his mother asking who is his father. One day Suniti told that his father is the King of this country and on hearing this Dhruva wanted to see him. Suniti dressed up Dhruva as a Royal Prince and sent to the Royal Court to see his father. However, she instructed him to only see his father and not to speak to anyone in the Royal Court. Anxious Dhruva waved his head and ran towards the Court.
The moment he entered the Royal Court, being a Prince by birth, he walked gracefully towards the centre and was very happy to see his father sitting majestically on the throne. Being a small boy, he wished to sit on the lap of his father and approached towards him. The King inquired about his whereabouts and was happy to see his son after many years. While Dhruva was about to sit on his father's lap, Surichi came and pushed him away saying, "You should have born to me if you want to sit on his lap". The small boy Dhruva did not expect this treatment, but decided to go away. As his mother taught him, before leaving the place, he bowed to his father and small mother Surichi as they are elders to be respected.
Dhruva then went weeping towards his mother Suniti and explained the happenings. Suniti was sad on hearing it and told that though he cannot sit on the lap of his father who is the King of this country, he can gain a permanent place in the heart of the King of this Universe, who is the Lotus-eyed Lord Vishnu. The moment she uttered those words, Dhruva bid farewell to her saying "Matha, as you told, I will go and search the King of the Universe, Sri Vishnu and get a permanent place for us".
Dhruva went out to the forest and roamed all around. He asked all trees, plants, animals and other living beings in the forest, whether they know the lotus-eyed King of Universe. Silence was the reply from everyone. He did not get deterred and wandered more and ate whatever he got along the side. Seeing this Rishi Narada came and blessed him saying "Oh My son Dhruva, I am pleased with your determination to see Lotus-eyed King of Universe. However you cannot see him by wandering, but have to sit in Padmasana and meditate on him by chanting the mantra "OM NAMO BHAGAVATE VASUDEVAYA". Please carry out this procedure with your confidence and determination and you will surely see the Lotus-eyed King of Universe. He did the same for sometime and one day Lotus-eyed Lord Vishnu appeared before him and told him "My son Dhruva, I am pleased with your shreddha bhakti towards Me. Please ask what boon you want". Dhruva did not have anything to be asked for except to be with the Lord always. Lord Vishnu then granted him a permanent place with him as a Pole Star and hence the pole star is named as Dhruva.
There are many morals that can be learnt from this story.
Sage Narada guiding Dhruva with the mantra and a procedure illustrates that, if one is determined in their effort then God will bless us with a path to proceed and make our efforts fruitful.
Perseverance is not related with age, as a small boy like Dhruva can do efforts with utmost Shreddha.
One may be rejected by some of his own kith and kin and friends, but if he is determined, he can reach skies, as Dhruva became the Pole star.
This Barathiyar song sung by Yesudas strikes our heart directy with a message "to be determined".
Next week we can listen to another small boy who showed steadfastness and Shreddha.